created on Thu Aug 12 17:53:46 UTC 2021 by root
1. Summary
Total Runs | Success Rate | Total time | Failures | Errors | Skipped |
0 |
100.0% |
4.502 seconds |
1 |
0 |
4 |
2. Features
2.1. Appearance of Component in LG FAILURE
Result: FAILURE Time: 3.345 seconds
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the 1366 by 1024 reference image.
2.2. Appearance of Component with Changed Start Level IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the #viewport.width by #viewport.height reference image.
2.3. Appearance of Component with Changed Start Level and End Level IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the #viewport.width by #viewport.height reference image.
2.4. Appearance of Component with Show hidden IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the #viewport.width by #viewport.height reference image.