created on Thu Aug 12 17:54:20 UTC 2021 by root
1. Summary
Total Runs | Success Rate | Total time | Failures | Errors | Skipped |
8 |
100.0% |
22.778 seconds |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2. Features
2.1. Functionality of Component Variant: Default using 1 Column Layout in LG PASS
Result: PASS Time: 2.675 seconds
URL: http://author:8080/content/aemdesign-showcase/au/en/component/layout/columns.html?wcmmode=disabled
Given: >the page hierarchy is created as "Components" > "Content" > "Columns"
And >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am on the component showcase page
Then The component should be on the page
And Should have 1 column
And Column 1 should have sample content
2.2. Functionality of Component Variant: Default using 2 Column Layout in LG PASS
Result: PASS Time: 2.722 seconds
URL: http://author:8080/content/aemdesign-showcase/au/en/component/layout/columns.html?wcmmode=disabled
Given: >the page hierarchy is created as "Components" > "Content" > "Columns"
And >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am on the component showcase page
Then The component should be on the page
And Should have 2 column
And Column 1 should have sample content
And Column 2 should have sample content
2.3. Functionality of Component Variant: Default using 3 Column Layout in LG PASS
Result: PASS Time: 2.703 seconds
URL: http://author:8080/content/aemdesign-showcase/au/en/component/layout/columns.html?wcmmode=disabled
Given: >the page hierarchy is created as "Components" > "Content" > "Columns"
And >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am on the component showcase page
Then The component should be on the page
And Should have 3 column
And Column 1 should have sample content
And Column 2 should have sample content
And Column 3 should have sample content
2.4. Functionality of Component Variant: Default using 4 Column Layout in LG PASS
Result: PASS Time: 2.880 seconds
URL: http://author:8080/content/aemdesign-showcase/au/en/component/layout/columns.html?wcmmode=disabled
Given: >the page hierarchy is created as "Components" > "Content" > "Columns"
And >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am on the component showcase page
Then The component should be on the page
And Should have 4 column
And Column 1 should have sample content
And Column 2 should have sample content
And Column 3 should have sample content
And Column 4 should have sample content
2.5. Functionality of Component Variant: Default using 5 Column Layout in LG PASS
Result: PASS Time: 2.763 seconds
URL: http://author:8080/content/aemdesign-showcase/au/en/component/layout/columns.html?wcmmode=disabled
Given: >the page hierarchy is created as "Components" > "Content" > "Columns"
And >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am on the component showcase page
Then The component should be on the page
And Should have 5 column
And Column 1 should have sample content
And Column 2 should have sample content
And Column 3 should have sample content
And Column 4 should have sample content
And Column 5 should have sample content
2.6. Functionality of Component Variant: Default using 6 Column Layout in LG PASS
Result: PASS Time: 2.850 seconds
URL: http://author:8080/content/aemdesign-showcase/au/en/component/layout/columns.html?wcmmode=disabled
Given: >the page hierarchy is created as "Components" > "Content" > "Columns"
And >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am on the component showcase page
Then The component should be on the page
And Should have 6 column
And Column 1 should have sample content
And Column 2 should have sample content
And Column 3 should have sample content
And Column 4 should have sample content
And Column 5 should have sample content
And Column 6 should have sample content
2.7. Functionality of Component Variant: Default with 5 Column Layout Varied Width in LG PASS
Result: PASS Time: 2.859 seconds
URL: http://author:8080/content/aemdesign-showcase/au/en/component/layout/columns.html?wcmmode=disabled
Given: >the page hierarchy is created as "Components" > "Content" > "Columns"
And >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am on the component showcase page
Then The component should be on the page
And Should have 5 column
And Column 1 should have sample content
And Column 1 should have custom width
And Column 2 should have sample content
And Column 2 should have custom width
And Column 3 should have sample content
And Column 3 should have custom width
And Column 4 should have sample content
And Column 4 should have custom width
And Column 5 should have sample content
And Column 5 should have custom width
2.8. Functionality of ColCtrl with 2 Column Multi Breakpoints MD and LG (3,9 and 9,3) in LG PASS
Result: PASS Time: 2.202 seconds
URL: http://author:8080/content/aemdesign-showcase/au/en/component/layout/columns.html?wcmmode=disabled
Given: >the page hierarchy is created as "Components" > "Layout" > "Content Block > ColCtrl"
And >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am on the component showcase page
Then The component should be on the page
And Should have 2 columns
And First item should match the structure and contain classes col-md-3 col-lg-9
And Second item should match the structure and contain classes col-md-9 col-lg-3