created on Thu Aug 12 17:57:51 UTC 2021 by root
1. Summary
Total Runs | Success Rate | Total time | Failures | Errors | Skipped |
0 |
100.0% |
10.523 seconds |
1 |
0 |
7 |
2. Features
2.1. Functionality of Component with Default variant and Static List in LG IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 2.255 seconds
URL: http://author:8080/content/aemdesign-showcase/au/en/component/lists/asset-list.html?wcmmode=disabled
Given: >the page hierarchy is created as "Components" > "Lists" > "Asset List"
And >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am on the component showcase page
Then The component should be on the page
And Should have one img in picture elements
And Should have data-href attribute
And Should have src using renditions
Where: Browser size width: 1366 and height: 1024
2.2. Functionality of Component with Default variant and Static List with Image Option Rendition in LG IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 2.426 seconds
URL: http://author:8080/content/aemdesign-showcase/au/en/component/lists/asset-list.html?wcmmode=disabled
Given: >the page hierarchy is created as "Components" > "Lists" > "Asset List"
And >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am on the component showcase page
Then The component should be on the page
And Should have only img
And Should have data-href attribute
And Should have src using renditions
Where: Browser size width: 1366 and height: 1024
2.3. Functionality of Component with Default variant and Static List with Image Option Adaptive in LG IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 2.200 seconds
URL: http://author:8080/content/aemdesign-showcase/au/en/component/lists/asset-list.html?wcmmode=disabled
Given: >the page hierarchy is created as "Components" > "Lists" > "Asset List"
And >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am on the component showcase page
Then The component should be on the page
And Should have one img in picture elements
And Should have data-href attribute
And Should have src using img selector
Where: Browser size width: 1366 and height: 1024
2.4. Functionality of Component with Default variant and Static List with Multiple Images in LG FAILURE
Result: FAILURE Time: 2.591 seconds
URL: http://author:8080/content/aemdesign-showcase/au/en/component/lists/asset-list.html?wcmmode=disabled
Given: >the page hierarchy is created as "Components" > "Lists" > "Asset List"
And >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am on the component showcase page
Then The component should be on the page
And Should have four img in picture elements
Where: Browser size width: 1366 and height: 1024
The following problems occurred:
Condition failed with Exception: takeScreenshot($(selector).firstElement(), "The component should be on the page") | | | | | | | [[RemoteWebDriver: chrome on LINUX (13b7334604e2b6cfd3853f74d8158456)] -> css selector: #assetlist4] | | #assetlist4 | [[[RemoteWebDriver: chrome on LINUX (13b7334604e2b6cfd3853f74d8158456)] -> css selector: #assetlist4]] java.awt.image.RasterFormatException: (y + height) is outside of Raster |
2.5. Functionality of Component with Default variant and Child List IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >the page hierarchy is created as "Components" > "Lists" > "Asset List"
And >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am on the component showcase page
Then The component should be on the page
And Should have three img in picture elements
Where: Browser size width: #viewport.width and height: #viewport.height
2.6. Functionality of Component with Default variant and Descendants List IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >the page hierarchy is created as "Components" > "Lists" > "Asset List"
And >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am on the component showcase page
Then The component should be on the page
And Should have three img in picture elements
And Should have one video
Where: Browser size width: #viewport.width and height: #viewport.height
2.7. Functionality of Component with Default variant and Static List with Multiple Asset Types IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >the page hierarchy is created as "Components" > "Lists" > "Asset List"
And >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am on the component showcase page
Then The component should be on the page
And Should have four img in picture elements
And Should have one video
And Should have one audio
Where: Browser size width: #viewport.width and height: #viewport.height