created on Thu Aug 12 17:59:34 UTC 2021 by root
1. Summary
Total Runs | Success Rate | Total time | Failures | Errors | Skipped |
0 |
100.0% |
3.045 seconds |
1 |
0 |
1 |
2. Features
2.1. Appearance of Component Variant: Default with Fixed List in LG FAILURE
Result: FAILURE Time: 2.018 seconds
Given: >the page hierarchy is created as "Components" > "Content" > "Language Navigation"
And >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am on the component showcase page
Then The component should be on the page
Then It should match the 1366 by 1024 reference image.
Where: Browser size width: 1366 and height: 1024