created on Thu Aug 12 18:03:04 UTC 2021 by root
1. Summary
Total Runs | Success Rate | Total time | Failures | Errors | Skipped |
0 |
100.0% |
10.755 seconds |
1 |
0 |
22 |
2. Features
2.1. Appearance of Component with Default variant and Default Badge in LG FAILURE
Result: FAILURE Time: 9.607 seconds
URL: http://author:8080/content/aemdesign-showcase/au/en/component/lists/page-list.html?wcmmode=disabled
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the 1366 by 1024 reference image.
Where: Browser size width: 1366 and height: 1024
2.2. Appearance of Component with Default variant and Icon Badge IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the #viewport.width by #viewport.height reference image.
Where: Browser size width: #viewport.width and height: #viewport.height
2.3. Appearance of Component with Default variant and Image Badge IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the #viewport.width by #viewport.height reference image.
Where: Browser size width: #viewport.width and height: #viewport.height
2.4. Appearance of Component with Default variant and Card Badge IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the #viewport.width by #viewport.height reference image.
Where: Browser size width: #viewport.width and height: #viewport.height
2.5. Appearance of Component with Basic list with links IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the #viewport.width by #viewport.height reference image.
Where: Browser size width: #viewport.width and height: #viewport.height
2.6. Appearance of Component with Basic list with links inline IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the #viewport.width by #viewport.height reference image.
Where: Browser size width: #viewport.width and height: #viewport.height
2.7. Appearance of Component as Carousel IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the #viewport.width by #viewport.height reference image.
Where: Browser size width: #viewport.width and height: #viewport.height
2.8. Appearance of Component as Medium Cards IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the #viewport.width by #viewport.height reference image.
Where: Browser size width: #viewport.width and height: #viewport.height
2.9. Appearance of Component as Medium Cards Tall IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the #viewport.width by #viewport.height reference image.
Where: Browser size width: #viewport.width and height: #viewport.height
2.10. Appearance of Component as Medium Cards (flush side-by-side) IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the #viewport.width by #viewport.height reference image.
Where: Browser size width: #viewport.width and height: #viewport.height
2.11. Appearance of Component as Large Card IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the #viewport.width by #viewport.height reference image.
Where: Browser size width: #viewport.width and height: #viewport.height
2.12. Appearance of Component as Card with Title, Description and Action with override on Badge CTA IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the #viewport.width by #viewport.height reference image.
Where: Browser size width: #viewport.width and height: #viewport.height
2.13. Badge: Card Coloured with Image, Title, Subtitle, Description and Action IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the #viewport.width by #viewport.height reference image.
Where: Browser size width: #viewport.width and height: #viewport.height
2.14. Badge: Card with Image, Title and Action IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the #viewport.width by #viewport.height reference image.
Where: Browser size width: #viewport.width and height: #viewport.height
2.15. Badge: Card with Image, Title and Action and Card Style set to outline with override on Badge CTA IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the #viewport.width by #viewport.height reference image.
Where: Browser size width: #viewport.width and height: #viewport.height
2.16. Badge: Card with Image, Title and Action and Card Style set to outline IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the #viewport.width by #viewport.height reference image.
Where: Browser size width: #viewport.width and height: #viewport.height
2.17. Badge: Card with Title, Description and Action without Override IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the #viewport.width by #viewport.height reference image.
Where: Browser size width: #viewport.width and height: #viewport.height
2.18. Badge: Selectable Card with Title, Tags and Description IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the #viewport.width by #viewport.height reference image.
Where: Browser size width: #viewport.width and height: #viewport.height
2.19. Badge: Card with Image, Title and Description IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the #viewport.width by #viewport.height reference image.
Where: Browser size width: #viewport.width and height: #viewport.height
2.20. Badge: Card with Icon and Description IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the #viewport.width by #viewport.height reference image.
Where: Browser size width: #viewport.width and height: #viewport.height
2.21. Badge: Card with Icon IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the #viewport.width by #viewport.height reference image.
Where: Browser size width: #viewport.width and height: #viewport.height
2.22. Appearance of Component as Card with Title, Description and Action with override for Card Style and Link Style IGNORED
Result: IGNORED Time: 0
Given: >I am in the component showcase page
And >the component is on the showcase page
When I am in the component showcase page
Then The component should appear on the page
Then It should match the #viewport.width by #viewport.height reference image.
Where: Browser size width: #viewport.width and height: #viewport.height